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Effects of cannabidiol on cognition

Effekter av cannabidiol på kognition

Responsible: Johan Franck


Increasingly, several lines of evidence point toward the protective effects of cannabidiol (CBD) against the psychotomimetic, cognitively impairing and addictive properties of tetrahyddocannabinol (THC) in cannabis.

Project details

Inst f klin neurovetenskap (CNS)
Centrum för psykiatriforskning, (CPF), Karolinska Solna
Clinical study
No data/some of the data have been collected.
Ethical permit is required and exists

Johan Franck

+46 73 966 0736


Contact 2

Amir Englund

+44 789 447 24 60



Exciting new research at King’s College, London, will now explore at which relative THC:CBD ratio the harmful effects of cannabis are reduced.


In a cross-over randomised, double-blind study, 45 healthy individuals will attend 4 separate experimental sessions each, and receive vaporised cannabis containing one of the THC:CBD ratios 1:0, 1:1, 1:2, or 1:3.

Material and methods

The participant will be assessed using an extensive cognitive test battery, psychiatric rating scales and measures of mood state. Blood will be collected throughout the day for pharmacokinetic analysis.

Project time schedule

This is an opportunity to work in one of the leading psychiatric research institutes in the world, and learn important skills in human experimental psychopharmacology in a defined and innovative project.

Backup plan

Data from the project already exist and can provide a backup plan.

Teaching/Supervision activities

The candidate would participate in all aspects of the preparatory and experimental protocol, and will also be given the opportunity to analyse online survey data of cannabis users reporting effects from different types of cannabis. Main supervisor is based at KI. Project supervision is provided at King's.


Supervisor(s), description